In case some of you don't really know the details, these are the details that I know of for now (means the credibility level is really low cos I never get information right ever) and you can always confirm with Ms Heng for more information.
Where: I think it's Melbourne, Australia
When: 21st November - 28th November
Cost: Around 600$ for those who are eligible for the Opportunity Fund & around 2300$ for those who are paying the full amount [this is just a rough estimation]
What to bring: Go figure
What will we be doing there: 4 matches(?) & shopping (!!) [do you think The Body Shop there will be cheaper?]
Okay, that's all that I can think of.
Those who have more accurate information, please log in & edit this post, bolding/ striking/ italicing/ colouring the corrections made so that they'll take note of it.
Ok, bye!
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